It’s no secret that manufacturers have experienced tremendous challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. They have faced supply chain disruptions, issues attracting and keeping workers, and rising customer expectations. As 2022 starts, manufacturing quality control is a big issue. Success in this area involves visibility and traceability throughout the entire supply chain.
Business Automation and Software Blog
Visibility and Traceability Are Crucial to Manufacturing Quality Control
Topics: manufacturing quality control
Manufacturers Can Trust an ERP for Accurate Inventory Forecasting
The global coronavirus pandemic has forced manufacturers to make significant changes in the way they do business. Manufacturers will be forced to rely on technology more significantly for inventory forecasting. The companies they deal with as part of their supply chains will also be relying on digital connections in their interactions.
Topics: inventory forecasting
Manufacturing Management: 3 Ways to Maintain Growth
The effects of the worldwide pandemic shook the manufacturing industry in 2020. The supply chain experienced major disruptions leading to market volatility. Businesses were forced to adapt as a result. 2020 Syspro research found that over half of businesses were impacted by supply chain disruptions due to COVID-19. Manufacturing management became challenging, as companies could not operate at the efficiency as before the pandemic due to operational inefficiencies and the need for more remote collaboration.
Topics: manufacturing management
6 Ways COVID Has Changed Supply Chain Management
Businesses are used to managing known supply chain risks. Transportation and supplier issues are something they can predict will happen at some point and take steps to mitigate their impact. Other risks, such as a global pandemic or a natural disaster, are the type of low-probability, high-impact events that companies likely did not foresee. Many did not plan for them and don’t know how to manage their supply chains faced with the ongoing pandemic threat, natural disasters, and disruptions that have taken place globally. Supply chain management is more challenging than ever in the face of these events.
Topics: supply chain management
Cleaning Data Is a Key Factor in Your Digital Transformation Strategy
Digital transformation has become a “catch-all” term that has been used often recently. It looks different for each company. Briefly, digital transformation refers to the way digital technology is integrated into all parts of a business. Cleaning data is an important factor in ensuring the business operates efficiently, remains compliant, and continues to deliver value to its customers.
Topics: digital transformation
Procurement management is responsible for a significant portion of a company's bottom line. According to the Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply, businesses can spend over two-thirds of their revenue on procurement. With so much riding on this division of the company, it is vital to get this part of your business right. The following tips are designed to help you create a procurement management solution that will help you get organized, increase efficiency, and improve relationships with your suppliers.
Topics: procurement management
Get the Most From Your ERP Software System: Tips to Help You Today
Today's companies rely on their ERP when launching new campaigns and initiatives. This robust software solution can streamline your operations, help you reduce costs, and grow your business. The most advanced ERP software system can't provide all its benefits if you don't take advantage of its features.
Topics: ERP software system
4 Ways CRM Software Improves Your Customers’ Experience
The way customers do business with you has transformed due to changes in technology. Customers are much more likely to take time to do their homework and learn about a company before making a buying decision. They are interested in developing a relationship with vendors and service providers, which means the overall customer experience is of primary importance to staying competitive. Your CRM software is an integral part of relationship-building and your business success.
Topics: crm software
Why Distribution and Manufacturing Software Solutions Aren’t Enough
We often recommend distribution and manufacturing software solutions to help businesses succeed in lower costs and increasing profits. But it’s not enough. In the uncertainty and chaos of the past months, the usual paradigms haven’t been enough to ensure success. One of the keys to getting back on track for future business success is building better relationships with customers, prospects, and suppliers.
Topics: manufacturing software solutions
How Do Manufacturers Create a Paperless Office?
Manufacturers across the world are moving toward a paperless office by reducing paper costs, reducing papers that get lost, reducing human errors, reducing the need for filing cabinets, reducing the need to print, and reducing the amount of time it takes to find information.
How are manufacturers doing this? DASH!
Topics: document management, paperless office